Realizzazione della nuova connessione 132 kV per l’aeroporto Marco Polo Di Venezia
SAVE S.p.A. – Venice Airport

Construction of the new 132 kV connection for the Marco Polo airport in Venice

Final project, complete with tender documents for the indication of an integrated contract, of the connection line to the 132 kV NTG and the transformation substation
Sum total of the work: € 8.685.787,69
Project: 2018
Progress: project approved

New 132/20 kV single-bar transformer cabin in the air. Created with the adoption of digital solutions for the command and control of field equipment (digital substation).

New 132 kV underground connection line with a length of 6 km, with cloverleaf laying using the "crossbonding" method.

The assignment includes: plano-altimetric survey of the station site and the cable route, relations with third-party bodies for the drafting of the documents necessary for building authorizations, tender documents for the subsequent integrated contract.
