Studio dei campi elettromagnetici di Cabine Primarie
EDYNA s.r.l. – Bolzano

Study of the electromagnetic fields of the Primary Cabins

On-site survey of electric and magnetic fields with NARDA KIT-2013/35 instrument and theoretical study of the fields
PC number under study: 16
Study: 2016

Study of the electric and magnetic fields of the cabins owned by Selnet (now Edyna).

The study consisted of:

  • on-site survey of magnetic field (H=1.00 m) and electric field (H=1.70 m) measurements under normal operating conditions in accordance with CEI EN 62110
  • study of the theoretical maximum electric and magnetic field intensities using software simulations in accordance with CEI 211-4
  • graphic representation of the results of field surveys and theoretical simulations